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Michel Andersen
FødtCa. 1683
Løsning sogn, Hatting herred, Vejle amt
Død1747 (64 år)
Hedensted sogn
Ægtefælle(r)Ellen Sørensdatter
Ellen Sørensdatter
FødtCa. 1674
Løsning sogn?, Hatting herred, Vejle amt
Død1741 (64 år)
Løsning sogn
HvilestedHedensted kirkegård
Ægtefælle(r)Mikkel Andersen


Michel Andersen blev født i 1683. Han blev gift i Løsning kirke den 11. oktober 1711 med Ellen Sørensdatter. Begge havde da i nogle år tjent hos sognepræsten i Løsning. Michel Andersen fik Løsning præstegård i forpagtning, og han optrådte hyppigt i kirkebogen som fadder under navnet Michel Forpagter. Ellen Sørensdatter blev født omkring 1674 og døde i Løsning i 1741, og hun blev begravet på Hedensted kirkegård den 7. december 1741, indført i kirkebogen som "Mikkel Forpagters kone i Løsning". Mikkel Andersen døde i 1747, 64 år gammel, hos datteren Karen Michelsdatter (1713-1786) i Hedensted sogn, og han blev begravet fredag den 3. februar 1747 på Hedensted kirkegård.


Hvirring-Hornborg-Tamdrup kirkebog (Nim herred) 1696-1726.
Løsning-Korning kirkebog (Hatting herred) 1699-1819.
Hedensted kirkebog (Hatting herred) 1707-1772.
Alling-Tulstrup kirkebog (Gjern herred) 1781-1801.


Gjesager, C. E.: Mads Gjesager. [Eget forlag], 1985. [S. 109-132].
Katballe, Peter H.: Af Gesagergårdens og en Gesagerslægts historie. (i: Vejle amts årbog 1985, s. 20-31).
En slægt Therkelsen fra Hornborg sogn. Om Therkel Andersen, født 1815, og hustru, deres forfædre og efterkommere. Nordisk Slægtsforskning, 1974. [Ane nr. 18 og 19].


Anders Jensen Bisgaard was born in Kalhave and christened into the church of Hornborg on December 9, 1714. His parents were Jens Andersen and Inger Elsebeth Thomasdatter. His godmothers were the wives of Christen Bisgaard and Soren Pedersen. His godfathers were Therkild Andersen (probably his fathers brother), Soren Pedersen and Jens Pedersen. He received the name Bisgaard from his mother Inger Elsebeth Thomasdatter, who was born on the manor of Tamdrup Bisgaard.
Anders Jensen Bisgaard was married on June 20, 1742 to Karen Michelsdatter from "Gesagergaard" in Hedensted. She was the daughter of Michel Andersen and Ellen Sorensdatter, and she was christened in the church of Losning on June 28, 1713. She was first married to Mads Stigsen from "Gesagergaard" in Hedensted on May 23, 1731. He died in 1741 and was buried in the churchyard of Hedensted on December 7, 1741).
Anders and Karen had a lot of children: Ellen (christened 1/13/1743), Inger Elsebeth (christened 5/18/1744), Mads (christened 4/11/1746-died 1747), Anne Catrine (christened 12/24/1747-died 7/14/1748), Anne Cathrine (christened 1749), Maren (christened 11/22/1750), Karen (christened 1/1/1752), Jens (christened 8/26/1753), Michel (christened 1/19/1755), Ane (christened 11/21/1756) and Mads (christened 4/17/1759-died 1/22/1820).
Anders Jensen Bisgaard came from a family of district officials and probably from the families of Gron and Gjodesen who belonged to the lesser nobility. It is likely that he had great dreams of being significant. Gesagergaard took up an exceptional position as it was the biggest farm in the parish, and the first object of his desires was to be a freeholder. After fifteen years he bought his farm in 1757 at an auction at a price of 1238 Rigsdaler [rix-dollar][1] 1 Mark and 13 Skilling. The total land was 11 tdr. 4 skp. 2 fjk. 1 alb. [2] After more than ten years he reached a new goal, when he bought the whole village of Remmerslund. That was five farms and seven smallholdings, and the land was about 114 td. in all. The copyholders paid 45 Rigsdaler, 1 Mark in Landgilde [3] to him every year. With this purchase he mortgaged his farms in Remmerslund as well as Gesagergaard..
Now Anders Jensen was a freeholder, and in all he owned 25 tdr. 5 skp. 2 fjk. 1½ alb. This purchase was only possible due to a big loan. A judge from Horsens named Schmidt lent him 1500 Rigsdaler at four per cent interest, and Anders Jensen mortgaged all his property. The deed is signed in Gesagergaard on April 26, 1767.
The loan was not enough, and in 1774 Anders had to borrow 500 Rigsdaler from Soren Vilstrup in Klaks Moelle[4], and he had a second mortgage on the property.
Although he was up to the ears in debt he made himself respected, and this caused a conflict with the owner of the manor of Tirsbaek.. The church of Hedensted belonged to Tirsbaek until 1801, and the conflict was about seats in the church. At that time the most significant people in the parish had their places first in the church. The conflict resulted in two letters from the king, who did not say that Anders Jensen was wrong, but we do not know exactly how the conflict ended. But surely Anders Jensen was not defeated, because it is a fact that until the beginning of the 20 century it was an implied tradition, that people from the neighbourhood of the Gesagergaard were seated first in the church, although Gesagergaard disappeared 100 years ago.
Anders Jensen had to realize that he was not able to manage those big expenses, and in 1777 he sold Gesagergaard as well as the estates in Remmerslund. He bought a farm named Kielsgaard in the parish of Tulstrup near Ry. This deed is signed on August 18, 1778. Anders Jensen ran the farm until 1786, when his son Michel Andersen took over. Michel Andersen bound himself to give his parents accomodation and support in their old age. The contract was signed on January 24, 1786.
Karen Michelsdatter died in February the same year. Probably, around the year 1787 Michel Andersen sold the farm to his brother-in-law Niels Clausen Riis, who had married his sister Ane Andersdatter. At least this couple is listed in the census papers from 1787 as inhabitants of the farm.

It is a mystery to where Anders Jensen and his son Michel have gone. More genealogists have tried to find the death of Anders Jensen, but in vain. We only know that he died after 1786, but apparently not in the parish of Tulstrup, Hedensted, Hornum or Skannerup.

  1. A Danish coin worth about fifty-four cents. It was the former unit of value in Denmark.
  2. Old Danish unit of land valuation.
  3. "Landgilde" was a tax to the landowner.
  4. Moelle = mill.